
2024 1st Quarter Community Impact Funds Recipients

Level $500 to $2,500
Academy for Precision Learning
To help with continued development and maintenance of a sensory garden.
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Bainbridge Youth Services
To help support 300 plus youth ages 13-21 with mental health therapy.
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Charity Report
Belong Partners
To help support more equitable, inclusive learning environments where every student knows they matter and belong.
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Benefits Law Center
To help retrofit replacement cargo vans or buses into justice buses to serve more Native/Indigenous communities.
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Boys And Girls Club of Snohomish County
To support the Lummi auction and golf tournament and Swinomish golf tournament.
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City Year Seattle/King County
To provide whole child program to 3rd 8th grade students through AmeriCorps members mentorship.
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Congregations for The Homeless /Porchlight
To help fund an emergency men's shelter that provides a place to sleep and food to eat while they rebuild their lives.
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Denise Louie Education Center
To help support home core visiting and socialization programs for women newborns, and infants.
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Charity Report
Divine Alternatives for Dad Services
To help fund a father's banquet celebration to honor participating dads and welcome donors and local friends.
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Charity Report
Eileen & Callie's Place
To support long-term, caring, and committed mentor relationships that reduce psychological stressors and facilitate opportunities.
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To help support Consular Outreach Mission.
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Charity Report
Greater Maple Valley Community Center
To provide nutrition program for senior citizens who are in need of services.
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Hansen Community Council
To purchase and install inclusive playground equipment
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Charity Report
Infocus Ministries/Crossroad Youth Ranch
To help provide full scholarships for youth to attend.
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New Day Ministry
To provide meals and food for children and seniors.
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North Shore Senior Center
To support programs for disabled individuals and adult day care.
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Northwest Cooperative Development Center
To help fund the creation of a community park for 80-120 children living in Evergreen Mobile Homeownership Cooperative.
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One World Now!
To help fund the youth cultural, language, and leadership learning program.
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Pioneer Human Services
To assist in funding the Road Map to Success job readiness training for low-income individuals.
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Powerful Voices
To help fund the Taking Root Healing Justice Initiative, which works with mental health practitioners and community partners.
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To support the specialized mobility and communication services individuals with disabilities need.
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QLaw Foundation
To help promote the dignity and respect of 2SLGBTQIA+ (Two Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, Queer, Intersex, Asexual) individuals, it's important to focus on inclusivity, education, and support.
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Safe Futures Youth Center
To help fund a holistic family service model designed to offer culturally responsive, community-based support for youth.
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Salmon for Soldiers
To help find the Annual honor day, a day for veterans to fish.
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Charity Report
To help distribute seafood to food banks and feeding centers in Washington.
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Spin Café
To assist in providing walk-in shelter and supportive services to homeless and low-income families.
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Charity Report
That Talented Youth
To help with the Equitable Access Fund's mission to disrupt inequity in film production.
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The Friendship Circle of Washington
To assist in funding Sunday Circle, a program for social-emotional skill-building for children aged 5-18 with special needs.
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University District Service League
To help purchase food for clients in need.
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University Temples Children's School
To help support full-day childcare, providing education and development.
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UW Tacoma Advancement
To support a collaborative leadership project that conducts oral history interviews with tribal and non-tribal leadership.
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Vision House
To provide mental health support for children and youth.
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Whatcom Center for Early Learning
To help fund an early learning program that offers pure learning opportunities and vital socialization for young children.
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World Affairs Council
To support providing students with access to globally relevant resources and integrating indigenous knowledge into curricula.
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Young Men's Christian Association of Walla Walla
To assist in covering the cost of childcare for families who do not qualify for state support.
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YWCA Pierce County
To support hosting family activities that allow survivors to connect with children in a safe and structured environment.
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Level $2,501 to $5,000
Adopt A Stream Foundation
To help monitor and maintain Koon Creek. after restoration & invasive control.
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Alchemy Art Center
To help support artists in community programs, inviting artists from all over the world to come and provide community classes.
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American Cancer Society
To help with access to care funding to support patients and lodging in Washington state.
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American Diabetes Association
To help support the ADA Camp Sealth.
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Archbishop Murphy High School
To help with tuition for fifteen (15) Tulalip Tribal students.
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Backpack Buddies of Maple Valley
To help support the pantry program, a program which provides food for middle and high school students in need.
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Charity Report
Bridge Disability Ministries
To offer matching funds at the annual auction in support of individuals with disabilities.
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To support the MAP program for the Tulalip Court system in preventing recidivism.
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Cascadia Film Festival /Bellingham International Film Festival
To support the marketing and promotion of festival events, including venue rentals and screening production.
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To help support Wholeness and Counseling programs.
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Crohn's And Colitis Foundation
To help support the Camp Oasis youth support program, which aids youth living with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.
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Darrington Community Club, Inc
To help fund a Fire Alarm System for the center.
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Heartbeat Family Support Services
To provide cultural events and activities for youth and garden classes and gardening canning medicinal herbs.
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Hibl Cultural Ctr& Natural History Preserve
To help continue diverse and dynamic programs and projects, including collection management, education, events, and exhibits.
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Historical Society of Seattle/Mohai
To help fund education programs for kindergartners through grade 12, enabling them to explore local history.
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To assist in funding Community Services programs that provide food and emergency financial assistance for homelessness.
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Interfaith Works
To help fund a daytime resource center, a center that provides resources for those experiencing homelessness.
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Kirkland Performance Center
To help fund the annual performance season, art education, plus community programs.
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Latino Educational Training Institute
To assist in funding scholarships for youth and families to learn to care for senior horses, fostering responsibility, acceptance, and perseverance.
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Charity Report
Life House Ministries
To assist in funding weekly meals and support groups for single parents and their children experiencing homelessness.
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Long Live The Kings
To help fund the Survive the Sound education campaign for over 50,000 students and 25,000 members of the public.
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Charity Report
Lupus Foundation of America
To help with funding for the Support Walk to End Lupus Now fundraising event in September 2024.
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Lushootseed Dept
To help develop a new Lushootseed language and culture app and Teach Smart Whiteboard.
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Mukilteo Food Bank
To help purchase food for their clients.
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Multi Service Center
To assist in providing temporary housing to help families stabilize.
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Mustluvboxers Rescue
To support the construction of the new center and senior sanctuary.
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Nami Snohomish And Island Counties
To fund advocacy education support and public awareness to all those effected by mental illness.
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Nourish Pierce County
To purchase food for the food banks.
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Oceans Initiative
To support core killer whale conservation activities -advance science & research, communicate info to public.
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Overlake Medical Center Foundation
To help support the social work services which are available free of charge to all patients.
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Pacific Northwest Archaeology Society
To assist with the book "Living-Off-The-Land "for 4,000 Years on the Salish Sea by Ed Carriere, Suquamish Elder, and Dr. Dale Croes, Archaeologist.
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Pediatric Interim Care Center The Newborn Nursery
To provide 24 hour medical monitoring and specialized nursing care for newborns recovering from prenatal exposure to drugs.
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Peninsula Hands On Art
To support the provision of art supplies for K-5 students' projects this school year.
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Charity Report
Planning Dept
To support hiring licensed abatement contractors to remove harmful asbestos.
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Pratt Fine Arts Center
To provide a safe joyous and life affirming visual arts program for youth and teens.
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Purrfect Pals
To help with the design and construction of a Feline Health & Wellness Center.
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Reading Partners
To support children in becoming lifelong readers.
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Rediscovery Program
To support the provision of traditional skills and cultural knowledge for Tulalip.
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Safe Place
To help provide 24-hour helpline emergency and supportive housing, including 24-hour medical and legal response for domestic violence.
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Saratoga Chamber Orchestra
To help fund educational and concert programs such as 'Entertaining, Educating & Enriching the Whidbey Island Community through Music'."
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Seattle Collaborative Orchestra
To support professional musicians serving as coaches and mentors for students, helping those with financial needs.
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Seattle Jazz Ed
To support youth music programs for over 6,000 students.
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Sherwood Community Services
To assist in funding support for individuals with disabilities to seek employment.
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Social Services
To support a pilot program for emergency situations when all other resources are exhausted.
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South End Stories
To support in-class, school-based arts education programs for BIPOC youth.
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Spark Northwest
To assist in funding the planning and construction of clean energy projects in partnership with Tribes, rural communities, and low-income individuals.
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Studio East Training for The Performing Arts
To assist in funding the Storybook Theater show performed on the Tulalip Reservation.
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Tela Dept
To help with events, literacy, fencing, furniture, and materials.
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Tero Dept
To help with direct training costs, including certification courses, student support, and training supplies.
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TERO Vocational Training Center
To train Native Americans and their families in the construction trades, resulting in our students gaining successful employment in family wage jobs.
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Charity Report
The Dance Project Northwest Foundation
To help with entry fees and any dance-related costs, including tuition, entry fees, costumes, etc.
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The Place of Horses
To assist in funding scholarships for youth and families to learn to care for senior horses, teaching responsibility, acceptance, and perseverance.
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Charity Report
The Washington Stem Center
To support improving systems and equitable opportunities in early learning, K-12 STEM education, and career pathways.
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Tulalip Education Division
To provide funding to supplement, improve, and grow current services and facilities.
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Tulalip Restoration Ecology Program
To support Native Species Enhancement outreach, promoting awareness of threats to native plants in Northwest Washington.
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Tulalip Tribes-Heritage School Athletics
To help support Heritage Athletics, including football, volleyball, basketball, golf, cheerleading, and providing equipment and coaches.
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Urban Artworks
To support core out-of-school youth programs, including the Mural Apprentice Program and the Base Crew Program.
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Village of Hope Tiny House Project
To help with FF&E, kitchen upgrades, activities and services, and unfunded cottages.
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Washington Conservation Action Education Fund
To help fund the 'We Are Puget Sound' campaign, a traveling photography exhibit and action to protect the sound.
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Washington Healthcare Access Alliance
To support the 2024 Washington free and charitable care conference.
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Washington Trust for Historic Preservation
To help support the Youth Heritage Project, a project which is a four-day immersive field school that connects high school age students and teachers with state historic cultural and natural resources.
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Washington Water Trust
To assist in funding the restoration of stream flows to Washington salmon streams.
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Whatcom Peace & Justice Center
To assist in funding services that provide resources for education and local action, as well as host meetings.
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Charity Report
Whidbey Camano Land Trust
To purchase tools to effectively and efficiently track and analyze trail use on lands trust protected.
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Whim W'Him
To assist in supporting dance performances by Cameron Fraser-Monroe of the Tla'amin First Nation, as well as workshops.
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Whitehorse Musicians Guild
To support the production of a three-day family-friendly music festival.
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Wildlife Program Tulalip
To help contract a wildlife ecologist to focus on the impacts of recreation on wildlife.
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Yakama Warriors Association
To assist with purchasing clothing, food, non-food items, and gifts for guest speakers for the annual welcome home celebration.
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Level $5,001 to $7,500
American Red Cross
To help sponsor the heroes breakfast at the Tulalip Resort Casino.
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Woodland Park Zoological Society
To support a camp scholarship program that allows all children to participate.
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Level $7,501 to $10,000
Compass Health
To equip staff with naloxone medication to reverse opioid overdose.
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Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
To sponsor the Tulalip Great Strides event, featuring a drive-in movie with over 1,000 attendees.
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Marysville Community Food Bank
To help purchase food items for clients.
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Saint Vincent De Paul Society
To help provide financial assistance to the homeless and low-income individuals in the Marysville to Layla Smokey Point area.
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